Immigration Services in Thailand

Any foreign citizen who wishes to enter the Kingdom of Thailand is required to obtain a Visa from a Royal Thai Embassy or a Royal Thai Consulate-General prior to entering Thailand as per Thai Immigration Law B.E. 2522 (1979) Immigration Act of Thailand.
The type of visa a foreigner must secure depends on his duration of stay and purpose of visit to Thailand. Check which type of Thai Visa is most applicable for your individual circumstance:
90- Day Thai Visa
This is a non-immigrant visa issued to foreigners who wish to stay in Thailand for a period of 90 days. This can be further classified into different types:
Thailand Business Visa or the “B” Visa is issued to foreigners who wish to open a business in Thailand, conduct business-related activities, or apply a work permit. This is a single-entry visa and serves as an initial visa required for processing a work permit. The 90-day starts on the day the visa has been granted. Holders of 90-Day Non-immigrant visa are eligible to apply for a bank account, and is eligible to apply for a work permit, or is eligible to convert it into a long-term visa such as Marriage Visa or Retirement Visa.
1 Year Non-immigrant Visa
Thai One year non-immigrant visa will provide the holder multiple entries to Thailand. From the date of the issuance of the visa, you can stay in Thailand for a period of 90 days per entry. Before the 90 days expire, the holder needs to go to the nearest border in order to activate the 2nd entry (which would be another 90 days in Thailand). The nearest land border would be about 4 hours of travel from Bangkok. The period of validity would be one calendar year.
Retirement Visa
Thai Retirement Visa is for foreigners who is aged 50 years or more. This is a long term visa which will allow you to stay in Thailand for one year. Retirement Visa qualifies foreigners who could satisfy the requirements set by the Thai government: first, the age, and then financial requirement.
For the financial evidence, you need to open a Thai bank account showing at least 800,000 THB (the transfer of the money must be deposited in your bank account in the period of at least 2 months). Alternatively, you can also present monthly income/ pension amounting to THB 65,000. It could also be a combination of both (Bank Account + Income x 12 = THB 800,000).
Prior to the application of Retirement Visa, you need first to get an initial visa: a 90-day Non-Immigrant Visa from the Thai embassy in your home country in order for you to enter Thailand. Once you arrive in Thailand then we would convert this 90-day Non-immigrant Visa to Retirement Visa.
Marriage Visa
Thailand Marriage Visa is for foreigners who are legally married to a Thai national. This visa will allow the foreigner spouse to stay in Thailand up to one year. To be qualified to file an application for Marriage Visa, the foreigner must also meet the financial requirement amounting to:
Monthly Income of at least THB 40,000
Combination [(Monthly income x 12 + Bank Account) = 400,000 THB]
Evidence of transfer of money to your Thai bank account must be provided; the money must be there at least 2 months prior to securing a statement from the bank.
For the monthly earning, you have to secure evidence of your monthly income earning from your, embassy or social security.
You need to obtain first a 90-day Non-Immigrant Visa from your Embassy so you can enter Thailand. We will be preparing your documents for your visa application and you have to process that in your home country. The process will be 5-8 business days.
Once you have obtained the 90- day Non-immigrant Visa, we will convert that into One-year Marriage Visa. On the last 30 days of your 90-day Non-immigrant visa, we will do the conversion.